Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

The Nature Thistle

The nature thistle (Cirsium acaule) is a plant of the composite family (Asteraceae Compositae). This species is on the Dutch and Belgian Red list of plants as very rare and very highly diminished. The range includes Europe and Asia.

It is a biennial plant which in the first years are the root and the leaf rosette form, in the second year in developing flowers and fruits.

The nature thistle is usually a very short, 5-10 cm long stalk that sometimes up to 30 cm long. The plant has long underground stems (rhizomes) and blooms in July to September is usually a flower head. The leaves, sharp thorns and hairs from below briefly. The fruits at the top bear fruit fluff (thistledown).

The nature thistle occurs in calcareous meadows.

Sometimes there are natural hybrids of nature and puree thistle thistle (Cirsium oleraceum).

Source: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aarddistel

See also: Flowers Toronto, Same Day Delivery Flower, Florist Toronto

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