Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

The Tongue Fern

The tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium, synonym: Ceterach scolopendrium) is an exit from destreepvarenfamilie (Aspleniaceae). It grows on walls and in the dunes. The plant is quite rare in the Netherlands.

The leaf springs may be 60 cm long and form bundles. The leaf steal his purple-black and have brown scales. The leaf is tongue shaped, oblong or lanceolate and slightly wavy edges gift. In the beginning, the light green leaf color, but later the darker the leaf shine. The spores (sora) are linear and perpendicular angles. First, each side is a dekvlies, but this is pushed to maturation. The spores are ripe between July and October.

Because there is the ideal location factors of this type yet relatively little is known of this species can not be discussed optimal location. It is known that the species especially in shady, damp locations grows. A certain preference for damp walls and place is remarkable. They can, however, especially in nitrogen-rich environments are found. Thus, they often dune thicket of undergrowth in the dunes, but essentially it can be a lover that she is moist, calcareous, stony ground beneath a good-sized bosdek.

The tongue is sailing all over Europe, except the northeast. There are also part areas to report in Japan and North America. In the Netherlands the species spread throughout the country. Experts believe that the species in recent years back in number is increasing.

Source: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongvaren

See also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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