Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Hypericum Description

Hypericum is a genus of about 400 species of plants in the family Clusiaceae, formerly were framed in her own family Hypericaceae. This genus has a nearly worldwide distribution, missing only in the tropical lowlands, deserts and Arctic regions.

Species can vary from annual or perennial herbaceous plants, 5-10 cm tall, or shrubs and trees about 12 m in height. The leaves are opposite, simple oval, 1-8 cm in length, deciduous or evergreen. The flowers vary from pale yellow to deep yellow, with a diameter of 0.5 to 6 cm, with five (occasionally four) petals. The fruit is usually a dry capsule with fractures to spread the seeds small and numerous, in some species are similar to fleshy berries.

All members of the genus are known as "Herbes de San Juan" or "hyper" and some species used as ornamental plants are large and showy flowers.

Some species of Hypericum larvae are used by a species of moths, Aplocera plagiata, as the power source exclusively. Other Lepidoptera species whose larvae feed on Hypericum are aestivaria Feathered, Ectropis Crepusculario, Eupithecia subfuscata and Xestia c-nigrum.
Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypericum

See Also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist

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