Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Anak Kecil dan Rental mainan

Demi melihat senyuman dan gelak tawa sang buah hati, apapun akan dilakukan orangtua. Terlebih orangtua yang "berkecukupan", mainan dengan harga jutaan rupiah rela dikeluarkan dari dompetnya untuk memenuhi keinginan anak. Tapi kendalanya anak-anak cepat sekali bosan dengan mainannya. Alhasil, mainan yang dibeli dengan harga jutaan rupiah tersebut terbengkalai di sudut ruangan rumah. Tapi, sifat anak yang gampang bosa kerap membikin orantua puyeng. Acapkali si anak bosan pada mainan yang mereka miliki. Walhasil, para bokap-nyokap terpaksa membeli mainan baru dengan harga bantingan.Alternatif lain adalah menyewa mainan. Nah, cara alternatif ini mengibaskan angin segar bagi para pengusaha
rental mainan.

Dunia anak memang dunia bermain. Di samping bermain, anak mengapresiasikan dan belajar mengenali dunia lewat apapun yang intens berinteraksi dengannya. Dari lingkungan dan warna hidup yang berjuta, anak melatih kreativitas di samping mengembangkan daya kreasi dan imajinasinya, tentunya lewat sarana bermain. Bisa dibilang, bermain bagi anak adalah hal yang fitrah adanya. Nah, kalau bisa menyewa dengan harga terjangkau, mengapa harus membeli dengan harga selangit. Yang penting, anak senang, orangtua bisa lebih hemat. Agar banyak yang melirik, pelaku bisnis ini mesti punya mainan bermerek terkenal, seperti Fisher Price, Mega Bloks, atau Leap Frog. Kalau perlu, para pengusaha itu menyediakan rental mainan yang tidak ada di dalam negeri.

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Harga Toyota Minivan Alpha Hibrida

Toyota, produsen mobil nomor satu di dunia terus bergerak maju dengan menambah rangkaian varian Prius hibrida plug-in tahun depan. Kali ini model tersebut bukan lagi liftback, melainkan minivan atau MPV kompak yang diberi nama Alpha.

Hebatnya lagi, proyek hibrida terbaru ini telah dijadikan prioritas dengan target peluncuran pada bulan Maret tahun depan. Minivan hibrida ini menurut informasi langsung menggunakan baterai lithium-ion. Namun, untuk menekan harga Toyota, Toyota menyertakan versi dengan baterai yang digunakan Prius sekarang, Nikel Metal Hidrida (NiMH).

Rencana Toyota tersebut diberitakan oleh beberapa media on-line otomotif internasional yang mengaku memperoleh sumber dari orang dalam Toyota. Dijelaskan pula, bobot baterai lithium-ion baru Toyota ini hanya sepertiga dari versi NiMH yang digunakan sekarang pada Prius.

Alpha atau Prius Alpha menggunakan sasis Prius terakhir dengan tambahan jok baris ketiga di belakang sehingga mengubah ujud kendaraan menjadi minivan. Toyota memilih nama Alpha untuk memudahkan sebutan langsung setelah Prius. Minivan ini diberitakan lebih panjang 300 mm dari Prius dan jarak sumbu roda mulur 20 mm.

Toyota juga berencana membuat versi lima penumpang. Namun, varian ini masih mengandalkan baterai NiMH. Diperkirakan, minivan 7 penumpang Prius hibrida ini dijual di Jepang dengan harga Toyota mulai dari 2,5 juta yen atau Rp 250 juta. Ia akan menjadi saingan berat bagi minivan yang banyak dipasarkan di Jepang saat ini.

Kendati rencana Toyota meluncurkan Prius Alpha tahun depan bocor, belum ada media yang memiliki foto, gambar, atau rendering mobil tersebut. Foto yang dimuat adalah konsep hibrida X yang pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Toyota saat Pameran Mobil Jenewa pada 2007. Waktu itu, sudah berhembus informasi bahwa hibrida ini akan menjadi varian tambahan buat Prius generasi berikutnya.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Awas iklan baris kian menyesatkan isinya

Kemarin saya hampir saja ketipu iklan yang mengatakan bisa menarik duit dari ATM tanpa mengurangi saldo kita. Setelah saya cek di berbagai website yang me-review iklan seperti itu, ternyata iklan itu tidak jujur,” kata Ichwan, seorang pemasang iklan baris atau gambar dalam curhatnya kepada penulis lewat Yahoo!Messenger.

Penulis tidak akan menilai apakah situs tersebut bohong atau tidak, tetapi jelas dengan cara menyembunyikan ”cara mendapatkan uang” sudah cukup alasan untuk mengatakan ada yang disembunyikan.

Iklan-iklan yang tak memiliki etika selalu menggunakan bahasa-bahasa bombastis, berlebih-lebihan, dan tak sesuai akal sehat. Persoalan di Indonesia adalah tidak semua pengunjung internet sadar bahwa iklan online juga bisa menyesatkan.

Masih banyak pengguna internet awam yang beranggapan internet bisa ”menciptakan keajaiban marketing” tanpa kerja keras. Internet dianggap seolah sebagai sesuatu yang nilainya hi-tech, canggih, melampaui akal sehat konvensional, dan bisa mempercepat kaya seperti cerita-cerita dunia dongeng tentang kesuksesan Google atau Yahoo!.

Celah psikologis ini dimanfaatkan oleh para pengiklan yang memindahkan bisnis konvensional (yang sebagian banyak berbau money game) ke bisnis online. Hanya mengubah cara merekrut orang dari presentasi tatap muka ke email, iklan baris online atau website, dan mengganti istilah ”downline” dengan istilah ”reseller” sudah banyak yang ”luluh lantak” hatinya dan merasa percaya bahwa ini benar-benar keajaiban internet.

Padahal, yang sering terjadi hanyalah pemanfaatan celah psikologi pengunjung awam yang tak paham soal teknologi internet. ”Cetak uang gratis dari ATM,” begitu salah satu bunyi iklan.

Di iklan baris lain mengatakan, ”Programmer kami telah bekerja menciptakan sistem ini.” Di iklan yang satunya lagi sudah beda kalimatnya, ”Hacker kami telah berhasil menciptakan bla... bla... bla....” Seolah memperkuat bahwa apa yang ditawarkan benar-benar bisa mempercepat kaya.

Beberapa situs lama memilih untuk menggunakan bahasa pemasaran yang lebih sopan dengan mengatakan internet merupakan sarana pemasaran yang andal. Mereka akan memberi contoh-contoh kesuksesan yang pernah diraih seseorang, tapi tak jelas bagaimana cara meraih sukses itu. Apakah menjual sebuah produk ataukah hanya menjual script (program membuat website untuk jualan produk serupa) atau e-book semata?

Karena itu, sebelum mempercayai sesuatu itu logis atau tidak dan benar atau bohong, mau tidak mau harus bertanya dulu kepada pelaku yang pernah mencoba. Sayangnya, review berbagai produk online seperti itu masih langka di Indonesia. Akibatnya, korban-korban money game semakin banyak dan mereka akan terus merekrut korban lainnya.

Jika misalnya menemukan iklan ”Produk Ajaib Cepat Kaya”, masukkan ke mesin pencari nama produk tersebut untuk mencari tahu respons pengunjung lainnya, contohnya: produk ajaib cepat kaya bohong. Jika pernah ada yang melaporkan produk tersebut bohong, di mesin pencari akan menampilkan pembicaraan soal pro dan kontra produk tersebut.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - IndonesiaW

Tips jitu pasang iklan pada internet

Pasang Iklan di internet solusi yang tepat

Pasang iklan seperti sudah kebutuhan wajib bagi para pebisnis online bisa membayar jasa pemasang iklan atau dilakukan sendiri secara manual/otomatis.Bila membayar jasa pemasang iklan tentu anda tidak akan capek dalam menginput iklan karena akan dilakukan oleh jasa pasang iklan tersebut,tetapi ini berbayar dan biasanya mahal.Bila dilakukan sendiri akan terasa sangat capek apalagi dilakukan tanpa trik,akan membuat iklan anda tidak efektif.Berikut tips untuk memasang iklan.

1. Gunakan judul yang membuat orang penasaran (ini berlaku untuk mengiklankan web,produk)

2. Gunakan keyword di judul dan isi (ini berlaku untuk meningkatkan rangking anda di search engine)

3. Isi iklan gunakanlah kalimat persuasif(anda harus bisa mengajak pembaca iklan)

4. Isi iklan jangan terlalu panjang,juga juga jangan terlalu pendek usahakan dibuat dengan 2 atau lebih paragraph.

5. Kalau link iklan tidak bisa di klik langsung(saya menemui ada iklan baris seperti ini)anda harus menggunakan url tredirection misal dengan .tk ini untuk pengunjung tidak mengcopy alamat utamanya saja dan tidak menambahkan id=anda (berlaku bagi reseller dan web replika)

Sedangkan triknya sebagai berikut(berlaku unutk pasang iklan sendiri)

1. Gunakan sofware pasang iklan massal misal suryapromo.Namun dalam menggunakannya anda tidak usah submit semua keiklan baris ini akan memakan waktu dan melelahkan.Anda cukup submit ke iklan baris terkenal.Cara mencari yang terkenal itu lihat di list iklan barisnya dan kunjungi coba cek alexa rank dan jumlah online dan pemasang pada hari itu(alexa semakin rendah semakin baik,jumlah online dan pemasang sebaliknya)contoh yang dan

2. Apakah lebih baik input iklan ke ratusan iklan baris namun hanya sekali,atau input ke iklan baris ke beberapa saja namun beberapa jam sekali.Jawabannya lebih baik yang ke beberapa saja namun anda input beberap jam sekali kenapa?karena web iklan baris yg sangat ramai adalah halaman utamanya,setiap anda input iklan maka iklan anda akan ada dihalaman utama namun tidak lama ,makanya perlu input beberapa kali .

3. Anda juga bisa coba,,, untuk mengiklankan secara massal dan gratis.

4. Gunakanlah roboform untuk menginput isi dari iklan ini akan jauh menghemat waktu anda.

5. Yang terakhir jangan malas dalam input iklan(ini kunci kesuksesan)

Mungkin itu dulu tips& trik pasang iklan baris,jika ada yang mau menambahkan silahkan saja.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

semakin mudah promosi iklan di internet

Sedikit ingin berbagi pengalaman dalam melakukan promosi melalui pasang iklan baris yang terpasang di internet.

Bagi anda pelaku bisnis internet, atau apapun juga, kegiatan promosi adalah suatu hal yang wajib dilakukan kalo ingin meningkatkan penjualannya.

Promosi merupakan sarana paling efektif untuk menyebarkan informasi dan peluang yang kita miliki agar diketahui oleh masyarakat luas.

Di Internetpun demikian, melalui promosi, maka blog kita, bisnis kita, semuanya akan menjadi terasa mudah dan tentunya akan meningkatkan rating bagi penjualan kita.

Namun karena di internet ini sangat banyak sekali website yang menyediakan sarana untuk promosi berupa iklan baris,maka tentunya kita juga harus bisa memanfaatkan kesempatan ini agar lebih efektif dan efisien.

Tentunya sangat merepotkan kalo kita harus submit ke 850 website iklan baris secara satu persatu, butuh waktu dan pastinya sangat melelahkan.

Beruntung kita yang pasang iklan di internet ada software pendukung untuk pasang iklan secara massal dan langsung tersubmit ke sekitar 985 website iklan baris gratis hanya dengan sekali pasang saja.

Ini mang buktikan sendiri, karena sudah 2 bulan ini mang melakukan promosi MPP Syariah dan menggunakan software pasang iklan massal, hasilnya memang betul terpasang dan tersebar di hampir lebih dari 800 website iklan baris.

Cara kerjanya sangat mudah, tidak membutuhkan waktu lama, bahkan setting untuk pertama kali install di komputer juga tidak memakan waktu lama.

untuk software pasang iklan massal silahkan anda cari di google.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Pasang iklan di internet,nikmati cepat dan kemudahannya

Hampir 1 miliar orang di dunia terhubung di internet. Pengguna saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan, interaksi sosial, reputasi online, mencari materi sekolah, lowongan kerja, atau sekadar iseng menghabiskan waktu luang.

Integrasi ini semakin lama menjadi kekuatan kolektif yang belum pernah dikenal manusia sebelumnya, bahkan untuk sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Situasi ini nampaknya tidak berlebihan untuk disebut sebagai revolusi komunikasi dan informasi global. Gejala baru yang nampak menonjol adalah pemanfataan file-sharing, blog, situs yang dapat disunting beramai-ramai bernama Wiki dan layanan jejaring sosial seperti LinkedIn, MySpace serta Meetup Inc., yang membantu setiap orang-mulai dari penggemar kartun hingga pemburu ayat-ayat Al-kitab.

Teknologi semacam ini ternyata mampu mengangkat potensi unik internet dengan cara yang tidak dilakukan e-mail ataupun situs tradisional.Situasi yang dinamis tersebut tentu rugi jika disia-siakan oleh para jasa pasang iklan. Perusahaan yang cerdas akan selalu melihat celah-celah menyampaikan pesan kepada calon konsumen. Maka jangan heran ketika iklan televisi sering diabaikan pemirsa, maka dunia online menjadi salah satu alternatif.

Memasuki kawasan internet kemungkinan besar pasar bisnis berubah dalam waktu cepat dan menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia, termasuk negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang kini jumlah pengguna internetnya baru mencapai 16 jutaan. Dalam gelombang bisnis internet (e-business) ini, para pemain online menjual komoditas seperti buku, musik, atau perdagangan saham. Konsumen tak perlu lagi melihat, memegang barang yang bakal dibeli, sebab yang terpenting adalah tahu harga dan kualitas barang.

Yang terpenting dari transaksi adalah pelayanan baik, kesepakatan harga dan saling menjaga kepercayaan. Prospek pasang iklan di pasar online membuka kesempatan yang lain, baik bagi perusahaan kecil, besar maupun korporasi, termasuk membuka kesempatan para calon konsumen untuk berinteraksi. Iklan online menjadi semacam pasar domestik yang menglobal.

Kehadirannya bisa mengancam eksistensi pasar iklan media cetak, bahkan ke depan pasar iklan televisi bisa tersaingi. Namun semuanya ditentukan oleh sedikit-banyaknya pengguna internet. Untuk Indonesia, potensi pasang iklan seperti di atas masih perlu menunggu waktu.*

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010


Freisa is a red Italian wine grape variety grown in the Piedmont region of north-west Italy, primarily in Monferrato and in the Langhe, but also further north in the provinces of Turin and Biella.

Freisa is a vigorous and productive vine whose round, blue-black grapes are harvested in early October. The three-lobed leaves are relatively small and the bunches are elongated in form.

By the 1880s it had become one of the major Piedmontese grapes, and in that period its cultivation was stimulated by the vine’s resistance to the downy mildew caused by the Plasmopara viticola fungus.

Wines made from the Freisa grape are red and usually somewhat sweet and lightly sparkling, or foaming. Still and fully sparkling versions are also produced, however, as are dry and more decidedly sweet styles.

In the Canavese there is also a rosé which can be made primarily from Freisa according to Denominazione di origine controllata (DOC) regulations.

Plantings of Freisa in the Piedmont region date back to at least the 18th century and ampelographers believe that the grape likely originated there in the hills between Asti and Turin. Recent DNA profiling by the University of California, Davis revealed that Freisa has a parent-offspring relationship with Nebbiolo.

There are two major clonal varieties of Freisa-a small berried clone known as Freisa Piccolo which is more widely planted and a larger berry Freisa Grossa or Freisa di Nizza that tends to be planted on flatter, fertile terrain and produced less distinguished wine.

Freisa di Chieri is potentially its own sub-variety of Freisa Piccolo grown in the Chieri region and distinguished by its own DOC. It creates a very perfumed, deep colored and tannic wine.


See Also: flower philippines, Gift Philippines, flowers jamaica


Chianti is a red Italian wine produced in Tuscany. It was historically associated with a squat bottle enclosed in a straw basket, called a fiasco ("flask"; pl. fiaschi); however, the fiasco is only used by a few makers of the wine now; most Chianti is bottled in traditionally shaped wine bottles.

Baron Bettino Ricasoli (later Prime Minister in the Kingdom of Italy) created the Chianti recipe of 70% Sangiovese, 15% Canaiolo and 15% Malvasia bianca in the middle of the 19th century.

The first definition of a wine-area called Chianti was made in 1716. It described the area near the villages of Gaiole, Castellina and Radda; the so-called Lega del Chianti and later Provincia del Chianti (Chianti province).

In 1932 the Chianti area was completely re-drawn and divided in seven sub-areas: Classico, Colli Aretini, Colli Fiorentini, Colline Pisane, Colli Senesi, Montalbano and Rùfina. Most of the villages that in 1932 were suddenly included in the new Chianti Classico area added in Chianti to their name-such as Greve in Chianti which amended its name in 1972.

Wines labeled Chianti Classico come from the biggest sub-area of Chianti, that sub-area that includes the old Chianti area.

The other variants, with the exception of Rufina from the north-east side of Florence and Montalbano in the south of Pistoia, originate in the respective named provinces: Siena for the Colli Senesi, Florence for the Colli Fiorentini, Arezzo for the Colli Aretini and Pisa for the Colline Pisane. In 1996 part of the Colli Fiorentini sub-area was renamed Montespertoli.


See Also: flowers brisbane, flower sydney, flowers philippines

Champagne (wine)

Champagne is a sparkling wine produced by inducing the in-bottle secondary fermentation of the wine to effect carbonation. It is produced exclusively within the Champagne region of France, from which it takes its name.

The primary grapes used in the production of Champagne are Chardonnay, Pinot noir and Pinot Meunier.

Through international treaty, national law or quality-control/consumer protection related local regulations, most countries limit the use of the term to only those wines that come from the Champagne appellation.

In Europe, this principle is enshrined in the European Union by Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status.

Other countries, such as the United States, have recognized the exclusive nature of this name, yet maintain a legal structure that allows certain domestic producers of sparkling wine to continue to use the term "champagne" under limited circumstances.

The majority of US produced sparkling wines do not use the term "champagne" on their labels and some states, such as Oregon, ban producers in their states from using the term as it can be confusing to consumers.

Champagne first gained world renown because of its association with the anointment of French kings. Royalty from throughout Europe spread the message of the unique sparkling wine from Champagne and its association with luxury and power.

The leading manufacturers devoted considerable energy to creating a history and identity for their wine, associating it and themselves with nobility and royalty.

Through advertising and packaging they sought to associate Champagne with high luxury, festivities and rites of passage.

Their efforts coincided with an emerging middle class that was looking for ways to spend its money on symbols of upward mobility.


See Also: flowers sydney, Floral, florist sydney, florist melbourne


Barbera is a red Italian wine grape variety that, as of 2000, was the third most-planted red grape variety in Italy (after Sangiovese and Montepulciano).

It produces good yields and is known for deep color, low tannins and high levels of acid (which is unusual for a warm climate red grape).

Century-old vines still exist in many regional vineyards and allow for the production of long-aging, robust red wines with intense fruit and enhanced tannic content.

The best known appellation is the DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) Barbera d'Asti in the Piedmont region. When young, the wines offer a very intense aroma of fresh red and blackberries.

In the lightest versions notes of cherries, raspberries and blueberries and with notes of blackberry and black cherries in wines made of more ripe grapes.

Many producers employ the use of toasted (seared over a fire) oak barrels, which provides for increased complexity, aging potential, and hints of vanilla notes.

The lightest versions are generally known for flavors and aromas of fresh fruit and dried fruits, and are not recommended for cellaring.

Wines with better balance between acid and fruit, often with the addition of oak and having a high alcohol content are more capable of cellaring; these wines often result from reduced yield viticultural methods.


See Also: online flower, gifts australia, flowers melbourne


Dolcetto is a black wine grape variety widely grown in the Piedmont region of northwest Italy. The Italian word dolcetto means "little sweet one", but it is not certain that the name originally carried any reference to the grape’s sugar levels: it is possible that it derives from the name of the hills where the vine is cultivated.

In any case the wines produced are nearly always dry. They can be tannic and fruity with moderate,or decidedly low, levels of acidity and are typically meant to be consumed one to two years after release.

Dolcetto wines are known for black cherry and licorice flavors with some prunes and a characteristically bitter finish reminiscent of almonds.

While the name implies sweetness, the wines are normally dry. The tannic nature of the grape contributes to a characteristic bitter finish.

The dark purple skin of Dolcetto grapes have high amounts of anthocyanins in them which require only a short maceration time with the skin to produce a dark colored wine.

The amount of skin contact affects the resulting tannin levels in the wine with most winemakers preferring to limit maceration time to as short as possible. During fermentation the wine is prone to the wine fault of reduction.


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Cult wines

Cult wines are those for which dedicated groups of committed enthusiasts will pay large sums of money. Such wines include, for example, Screaming Eagle from California, Penfolds Grange from Australia, and Galardi Terra di Lavoro from Italy, among many others.

Cult wines are often seen as trophy wines to be collected or as investments to be held rather than consumed. Because price is often seen as an indicator of quality, high prices often increase the desirability of such wines.

This is true even for less expensive wines. For example, one vintner explained that "on several occasions we have had difficulty selling wines at $75, but as soon as we raise the price to $125 they sell out and get put on allocation".

Others wines that fall under the title occasionally are from Burgundy, Bordeaux, Rhone and Italy.

These wines when scored highly by Robert Parker, Jr. have had a tendency to increase in price resembling the Bordeaux Investment market.


See Also: flowers uk, Florist Toronto, same day delivery flower

Vin jaune

Vin jaune (French for "yellow wine") is a special and characteristic type of white wine made in the Jura wine region in eastern France.

It is similar to dry fino Sherry and gets its character from being matured in a barrel under a film of yeast, known as the voile, on the wine's surface.

Vin jaune shares many similarities with Sherry, including some aromas, but unlike Sherry, it is not a fortified wine.

The wine is made from the Savagnin grape, with some of the most premium examples coming from the marl based vineyards in the Château-Chalon AOC.

In other French wine regions, there has been experimentation in producing similar style wines from Chardonnay and other local grape varieties using cultured yeast such as the vin de voile wine produced in the Gaillac.

Vin jaune is made from late harvest Savagnin grapes, a white variety in the Traminer family which is less aromatic than the better-known Gewürztraminer.

The grapes are usually harvested in late October when the sugars have developed enough to have a potential alcohol level of 13–15% for the finished wine.

The grapes are fermented slowly and then kept in small old oak casks that hold 228 liters (60 gallons). The casks are not topped up, as they are with most wines, so an air gap appears above the wine due to evaporation.

A film of yeast grows over the wine, protecting it partially (but not totally) from oxidation. In Jura, this film is called the voile (veil), but it is similar to the more familiar "flor" in Sherry production.

The voile yeast has many similar properties to "flor" but thrives better in a lower alcohol environment and develops less heavily and thickly than "flor" does.

Producers in the Jura include André & Mireille Tissot, Gaspard Feuillet, Chateau Béthanie, Domaine Berthet-Bondet, Frédéric Lornet and Henri Maire.


See Also: order flowers delivery, florist london, uk florist, flower shops delivery

Orange wine

Orange wine is wine made from white wine grape varieties that have spent some maceration time in contact with the grape skins.

Typically white wine production involves crushing the grapes and quickly moving the juice off the skins into the fermentation vessel.

The skins contain color pigment, phenols and tannins that are often considered undesirable for white wines while for red wines, skin contact and maceration is a vital part of the winemaking process that gives red wines its color, flavor and texture.

Orange wines get their name from the darker, slightly orange tinge that the white wines receive due to their contact with the coloring pigments of the grape skins.

This winemaking style is essentially the opposite of rosé production which involves getting red wine grapes quickly off their skins, leaving the wine with a slightly pinkish hue.

However in the case of Pinot gris, among the more popular grapes to apply a skin-contact treatment that is neither red nor white, the diffuse nature of the term becomes illustrated, as both an orange wine and a rosé might achieve a similar expression of pink/orange/salmon-colored wine.

The practice has a long history in winemaking dating back thousands of years to the Eurasian wine producing country of Georgia.

In recent years the practice has been adopted by Italian winemakers, chiefly in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia wine region, while there is also production in Slovenia, Croatia, France, New Zealand, and California.

Orange wines were not uncommon in Italy in the 1950s and 1960s, but gradually became obscure as technically correct and fresh white wines came to dominate the market.


See Also: Flowers Online, Sending Flowers, Delivery Flowers, Flower Chelsea

Wrapping tissue

Wrapping tissue is a translucent, thin tissue paper used for wrapping and cushioning items. Wrapping tissue is usually found in single sheets or sheet collections of 25, 40, or 50. White tissue is also sold specifically for bulk wrapping in reams of 480 sheets.

Some shops wrap delicate merchandise in folded or crumpled layers of tissue paper to protect it before placing it in bags or boxes for the purchaser.

Colored wrapping tissue can be used for an assortment of visually creative purposes. For example, when wetted, the color bleeds a watercolor-like layer of tissue paper that stays when you peel off the tissue paper. Tissue paper can be crumpled up to form objects, such as flowers.

Tissue paper was used by musicians in the early 1900s to play the comb, producing a sound similar to the kazoo. Jazz musician Red McKenzie was one of the best-known players.

For production tissue paper for wrapping is made by the machine glaze process. A slurry of fiber is placed on a forming wire where the water is allowed to drain away.

The sheet is then pressed against a felt and pressed against a drying cylinder for the final drying step. The sheet is then pulled away from the dryer and wound up ready for further converting into wrapping paper.


See Also: Flowers India, Birthday Flowers, Flowers gifts

Gift wrapping

Gift wrapping refers to the act of enclosing a gift in some sort of material. Wrapping paper is a kind of paper designed for gift wrapping.

Gifts may also be wrapped in a box. They may be held closed with ribbon and topped with a decorative bow (an ornamental knot made of ribbon).

In Western culture, gifts are often wrapped in wrapping paper and accompanied by a gift note which may note the occasion, the receiver's name and the giver's name.

In the United States, an additional 5 million tons of waste are generated over the Christmas gift-giving period; four million tons of this is wrapping paper and shopping bags.

Some people attempt to avoid this by unwrapping gifts with care to hopefully allow the paper to be reused, while others use decorated cloth gift sacks that can be easily reused many times. In Chinese culture, red wrapping connotes luck.

In Japanese culture, wrapping paper and boxes are common. However, the traditional cloth wrapping called furoshiki is increasing in popularity, particularly as an ecologically friendly alternative to wrapping paper.

In Korean culture, bojagi are sometimes used for gift wrapping. A yedanbo is a ceremonial gift bojagi used to wrap wedding gifts from the bride's family to the members of the groom's.

Adhesive gift wrap is a product that makes it possible for anyone to present a beautifully wrapped gift with clean, crisp edges.

The wrapping paper adheres to the gift and itself so users do not have to hold the paper and gift in place as they fumble for tape. The gift wrap can also be repositioned easily until the desired look is achieved.


See Also: Dubai Flowers, Birthday gifts, India Gifts, India Gift

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010


Calendula (pronounced /kəˈlɛndjuːlə/ Ca-lén-du-la), pot marigold, is a genus of about 12-20 species of annual or perennial herbaceous plants in the daisy family Asteraceae, native to the area from Macaronesia east through the Mediterranean region to Iran.

Calendula should not be confused with other plants that are also known as marigolds, such as plants of the genus Tagetes, corn marigolds or marsh marigolds.

The name Calendula stems from the Latin kalendae, meaning first day of the month, presumably because pot marigolds are in bloom at the start of most months of the year.

The common name marigold probably refers to the Virgin Mary, or its old Saxon name 'ymbglidegold', which means 'it turns with the sun'. Pot Marigolds typically bloom quickly (in under two months) in bright yellows, reds, and oranges throughout the summer and well into the fall.

Pot Marigolds are considered by many gardening experts as one of the most versatile flowers to grow in a garden, especially since it is easy to grow. Seeds sown in the spring, in most soils, will germinate freely in sunny or half-sunny locations.

They do best, however, if planted in sunny locations with rich, well-drained soil. The leaves are spirally arranged, 5-18 cm long, simple, and slightly hairy.

The flower heads range from pastel yellow to deep orange, and are 3-7 cm across, with both ray florets and disc florets. They have a spicy aroma and are produced from spring to autumn in temperate climates.

It is recommended to deadhead (removal of dying flower heads) the plants regularly to maintain even blossom production.

Pot Marigolds are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Cabbage Moth, The Gothic, Large Yellow Underwing and Setaceous Hebrew Character. Be advised not to plant in vegetable gardens.

Pot Marigold petals are considered edible. They are often used to add color to salads, and calendula extract is commonly added to chicken feed to produce darker egg yolks.

Their aroma, however, is not sweet, and resembles the smell of hops in beer. The oil from its seed contains calendic acid, an essential component in soap products.


See Also: Birthday Gift, Florist Malaysia, Malaysia Florist, Dubai Flower

Malva sylvestris

Malva sylvestris is a species of the Mallow genus Malva in the family of Malvaceae and is considered to be the type species for the genus.

Known as common mallow to English speaking Europeans, it acquired the common names of cheeses, high mallow and tall mallow (mauve des bois by the French) as it migrated from its native home in Western Europe, North Africa and Asia through the English speaking world.

M. sylvestris is a vigorously healthy plant with showy flowers of bright mauve-purple, with dark veins; a handsome plant, often standing 3 or 4 feet (1 m) high and growing freely in fields, hedgerows and in fallow fields.

Malvus sylvestris is a spreading herb, who is an annual in North Africa, biennial in the Mediterranean and a perennial elsewhere Three feet (one meter) tall, (3 meters has been observed in a wild or escaped from cultivation setting, and several cultivated plants of 2 meter or more in height) with a growth habit which can be straight or decumbent, branched and covered with fine soft hairs or none at all, M. sylvestris is pleasing in appearance when it first starts to flower, but as the summer advances, "the leaves lose their deep green color and the stems assume a ragged appearance".


See Also: flower hong kong, hong kong flower, Malaysia Gift

Erythrina crista-galli

Erythrina crista-galli is a flowering tree in the family Fabaceae, native to Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay.

It is widely planted as a street or garden tree in other countries, most notably in California (in the United States).

It is known by several common names within South America: ceibo, seíbo (Spanish), corticeira (Portuguese) and the more ambiguous bucaré, to name a few. In English it is often known as the Cockspur Coral Tree. The tree's flower is the national flower of Argentina (since 23 December 1942) and Uruguay.

This species characteristically grows wild in gallery forest ecosystems along water courses, as well as in swamps and wetlands. In urban settings, it is often planted in parks for its bright red flowers.

Erythrina crista-galli is a small tree, the girth of its trunk measuring 50 cm (20 in). Normally it grows 5–8 m (16–26 ft) tall, although some individuals, such as in the Argentine provinces of Salta, Jujuy and Tucumán, can grow up to 10 m (33 ft).

The root is a taproot with nodules produced by nitrogen fixing bacteria. The bacteria live in symbiosis with the tree, facilitating the tree's absorption of nitrogen in return for organic substances which the bacteria need.

The tree's trunk is woody with irregular, spiny branches. These branches form a layer without definite form[verification needed] and die after flowering.

The tree flowers in the summer, from October to April in their native South America and from April to October in the northern hemisphere. It Usually blooms from November to February The red flower, arranged in inflorescences of the raceme type, is pentameric, complete, and of bilateral symmetry.

Its calyx is gamosepalous, like a little red thimble. The corolla, like that of other legumes like common beans, is butterfly-shaped; however, the largest petal, called the "standard", is arranged in the lower part. The two of the petals called "wings" are so small that they are practically hidden within the calyx.

The remaining two petals partially fuse together on occasion and form the flower's keel or "carina"; this protects its reproductive organs. The androecium consists of ten stamens, one free and nine united by their filaments (gynostemial androecium). The unicarpel gynoecium is welded between the stamens like a knife in its sheath.

The flowers are rich in nectar and get visited by insects, which usually have to crawl underneath the carina and thus pollinate the flowers.

The tree's fruit is monocarpic and dry, of the legume type, and no more than a few centimeters in length. The chestnut-brown seeds are cylindrical in form and are arranged sparsely throughout the seedpod's interior. The seed germ contains hypogeous cotyledons - the seeds stay underground upon germination.


See Also: Sending gift, send flowers to, same day roses delivery, online flowers ordering


The Copihue (co-pee-way) (Lapageria rosea), also known as the Chilean Bellflower and Lapageria, is the national flower of Chile. It grows in forests in the southern part of Chile, being part of the Valdivian flora.

It is the only species in the genus Lapageria. It is an evergreen climbing plant reaching over 10 m high among shrubs and trees. Leaves are arranged alternately and are evergreen, leathery, lanceolate and feature three to seven prominent parallel veins. T

he vines twine counterclockwise. The flowers are red spotted with white, there are six thick, waxy tepals; and they are most frequently produced in late summer and fall, although they may be produced at other times.

The fruit is an elongate berry with a tough skin containing numerous small seeds about the size of a tomato seed, and are covered in an edible fleshy aril. In the wild the plant is pollinated by hummingbirds. Seed is distributed by birds and other animals.

The fruit is colloquially known in Chile as a pepino (cucumber). In the past, the fruit was sold in markets, but the plant has now become rare through over-collection and forest clearance.

The name of the fruit in Mapudungun is actually kopiw, which is the etymon of Spanish copihue; the Mapuche call the plant kolkopiw (colcopihue in Spanish, which may also refer to the whole plant). The flower is called kodkülla in the indigenous language.

The roots were once collected and used as a substitute for sasparilla. In 1977 The plant was given legal protection in the country of Chile.

There are a substantial number of named garden cultivars, mostly developed at one nursery in Chile, with flower colour varying from deep red through pink to pure white (L. rosea 'Albiflora'), and some with variegated flowers.

In cultivation, to obtain fruit it is generally necessary to pollinate by hand if there are not native hummingbirds. Some cultivars are self-fruitful, but better pollination is achieved with differing parents. Germination is best with fresh moist seed; dried seeds take special treatment and have a much poorer germination rate.

Propagation of cultivars is by cuttings (usually rooted under mist), layering, or division. Seedlings take from three to ten years to flower. Cuttings usually flower more quickly.

Lapageria rosea is related to Philesia magellanica (syn. P. buxifolia), another plant from the Valdivian flora, closely related to L. rosea, having similar flowers, but is a shrubby plant bearing some similarity to a heath. ×Philageria veitchii is a hybrid between L. rosea and P. magellanica. It is more similar in appearance to the former.


See Also: Floral, Flowers Online, Send Gift To, Send Gifts To

Telopea speciosissima

Telopea speciosissima, commonly known as the New South Wales waratah or simply waratah, is a large shrub in the Proteaceae family. It is endemic to New South Wales in Australia and is the floral emblem of that state.

No subspecies are recognised, but the closely related Telopea aspera was only recently classified as a separate species. T. speciossisima grows as a shrub to 3 or 4 m (10–13 ft) high and 2 m (7 ft) wide, with dark green leaves and several stems rising from a pronounced woody base known as a lignotuber.

It is most renowned for its striking large red inflorescences (flowerheads) in spring, each made up of hundreds of individual flowers. These are visited by the eastern pygmy possum (Cercartetus nanus), birds such as honeyeaters (Meliphagidae), and insects.

The floral emblem for its home state of New South Wales, Telopea speciosissima has featured prominently in art, architecture and advertising, particularly since federation.

Commercially grown in several countries as a cut flower, it is also cultivated in the home garden, although it requires good drainage, yet adequate moisture, and is vulnerable to fungal disease and pests.

A number of cultivars with various shades of red, pink and even white flowers are available. Plantsmen have also developed hybrids with T. oreades and T. mongaensis, which are more tolerant of cold, shade and heavier soils.

The New South Wales waratah is a large erect shrub up to 3 or 4 metres (10–13 ft) in height with one or more stems. Arising vertically or near vertically from a large woody base, or lignotuber, the stems are little branched.

There is a spurt of new growth after flowering in late spring, with new shoots often arising from old flowerheads. The dark green leaves are alternate and usually coarsely-toothed and range from 13 to 25 cm (5–10 in) in length.

Enveloped in leafy bracts, the flowerheads develop over the winter and begin to swell in early spring, before opening to reveal the striking inflorescences. The exact timing varies across New South Wales, but flowering can begin as early as August in the northern parts of its range, and finish in November in the southern, more elevated areas.

Spot flowering may also occur around March in autumn. Containing up to 250 individual flowers, the domed flowerheads are crimson in colour and measure 7–10 cm (3–4 in) in diameter. They are cupped in a whorl of leafy bracts which are 5 to 7 cm (2–3 in) long and also red.

Variations are not uncommon. Some flowerheads may be more globular or cone-shaped than dome-shaped, and the bracts may be whitish or dark red. The tips of the stigmas of some inflorescences may be whitish, contrasting with the red colour of the rest of the flowerhead.


See Also: flower shop, Flowers delivery, Bouquet, Roses

Wahlenbergia stricta

Wahlenbergia stricta, or Australian Bluebell, Tall or Austral Bluebell, is an Australian wildflower from the Campanulaceae family. It is considered the most commonly encountered of the Wahlenbergias.

It is found in all Australian states but not the Northern Territory. It is often seen growing by the side of the road, enjoying the extra runoff.

W. stricta is a perennial herb flowering mainly in spring or summer with pale blue bell-like flowers.The leaves are long and linear, 5–70 millimetres (0.20–2.8 in) long.

The five-petalled flowers are erect on long, slender stems and about 6–20 millimetres (0.24–0.79 in) in diameter. It forms thin, carrot shaped tubers.

Australian bluebells are generally easily propagated by division or root cutting. The seed is a very fine, black powder. It germinates readily in a few weeks and is best directly sown into tubes or cells as the seed and plant are very small and hard to separate and prick out.

There are a number of common cultivars, including various shades of blue from a saturated blue similar to #00f through to white.

Various double forms are available. To maintain a cultivar propagation must be by vegetive means (division or cuttings).

Once established W. stricta is very hardy - the pot can be dried out completely and the plant reduced to a tuber, yet it will reshoot when the rain comes. It is hardy in a range of soils from sand to gravel, clay to humus.


See Also: flowers, send flowers, flower delivery, Online Florist

Gossypium sturtianum

Sturt's Desert Rose (Gossypium sturtianum) is a woody shrub, closely related to cultivated cotton, found in all mainland states of Australia and the Northern Territory. It has a life cycle of about 10 years, grows from 1–2 m tall and 1–2 m wide.

The colour of the petals can range from pale pink to dark purple to maroon. The five petals are arranged in a whorl and have a dark red centre.

There is a small cotton spore in the centre of the flower. They can be seen for most of the year but peak in late winter. They are up to 12 cm in diameter. The leaves are different shades of green, round and strongly scented when crushed.

There are two variations of the Sturt's Desert Rose. Variation nandewarense is found only in north-eastern New South Wales (around Narrabri) and the Expedition Range in central Queensland. The more common variation, sturtianum, is found everywhere else.

The Sturt's Desert Rose is found in sandy and gravelly soils, along dry creek beds, watercourses, gorges and rocky slopes. This means that it must be able to store and conserve water.

The Sturt's Desert Rose was discovered by Charles Sturt in 1844-45. In 1947, James Hamlyn Willis gave the shrub its current botanical name.

It is not considered to be at risk in the wild. The Sturt's Desert Rose is the floral emblem of the Northern Territory and appears in stylised form on the official flag. It is also known as the Darling River Rose, Cotton Rosebush and Australian Cotton.


See Also: florist, florists, flower

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010


Hoya is a genus of 200-300 species of tropical climbing plants in the family Apocynaceae (Dogbane), native to southern Asia (India east to southern China and southward), Australia, and Polynesia. Common names for this genus are waxplant, waxvine, waxflower or simply hoya. This genus was named by botanist Robert Brown, in honour of his friend, botanist Thomas Hoy.

Hoyas are evergreen climbing vines or shrubs growing to 1-10 m (or more with suitable support in trees). They have simple opposite leaves 5-30 cm long that are typically succulent, and in many species are flecked with irregular small silvery spots.

The flowers appear in axillary umbellate clusters at the apex of 2-3 cm peduncles, with repeated clusters of flowers developing sequentially on each peduncle. The flowering peduncles get 2-3 mm longer with each flowering, and can eventually reach 7 cm or more long; the base of the peduncle is smooth, with growth subsequent to the first flowering of the peduncle is rough with numerous tiny bracts. Each flower is about 1 cm diameter, with five thick, waxy, triangular petals; colours range from white to pink or yellow. They are sweetly scented and produce abundant nectar.


See Also: Perth florist, Malaysia florist, Thai flowers, Fathers day


Hepatica (common names hepatica, liverleaf, or liverwort) is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants belonging to the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae. A native of central and northern Europe, Asia and northeastern North America. Some botanists include Hepatica within a wider interpretation of Anemone.

Hepatica cultivation has been popular in Japan since the 18th Century (mid-Edo period), where flowers with doubled petals and a range of colour patterns have been developed.

Noted for their tolerance of alkaline limestone-derived soils, Hepatica may grow in a wide range of conditions; it can be found either in deeply shaded deciduous (especially beech) woodland and scrub or grassland in full sun. Hepatica will also grow in both sandy and clay-rich substrates, being associated with limestone. Moist soil and winter snowfall is a requirement; Hepatica is tolerant of winter snow cover, but less so of dry frost.

Hepatica reaches a height of 10 cm and produces hermaphroditic flowers from February to May. The leaves are basal and dark leathery green, each with three lobes. The flowers may be white, bluish purple or pink; they are supported singly on hairy, largely leafless stems. Butterflies, moths, bees, flies and beetles are known to act as pollinators for Hepatica.

Hepatica is named from its leaves, which, like the human liver (Greek hepar), have three lobes. It was once used as a medicinal herb. Owing to the doctrine of signatures, the plant was thought an effective treatment for liver disorders. Although poisonous in large doses, the leaves and flowers may be used as an astringent, demulcent for slow-healing injuries and as a diuretic .


See Also: Sydney florist, Melbourne florist, Brisbane florist


Anagallis is a genus of about 20–25 species of flowering plants in the myrsine family Myrsinaceae, commonly called pimpernel and perhaps best known for the Scarlet pimpernel referred to in literature. The botanical name is from the Greek, ana, "again", and agallein, "to delight in", and refers to the opening and closing of the flowers in response to environmental conditions.

These are annual or perennial plants, growing in tufts on weedy and uncultivated areas. The stems are prostrate or decumbent. The leaves are opposite, rarely whorled, and sometimes with a few alternate leaves at the end of the stem. They are usually ovate in shape with a cordate base. Some of the species produce flowers of various colors. The flowers are radially symmetrical and have 5 sepals. The corolla consists of a short tube and 5 lobes. The tube may be so short that the lobes appear to be separate petals. They are usually solitary in the leaf axils, but sometimes are on short spikes at the end of the stem. Pimpernel flowers remain open only under direct sun-light. The stamens are opposite the corolla lobes. The staminal filaments have conspicuous hairs. The ovary is superior, globose, and circumscissile near the middle.

They were formerly classified as members of the primrose family (Primulaceae), but a genetic and morphological study by Källersjö et al. showed that they belong to the closely related family Myrsinaceae. In the APG III system, published in 2009, Primulaceae is expanded to include Myrsinaceae, thus Anagallis is in Primulaceae sensu lato.

Another study by Ulrika Manns and Arne A. Anderberg (2005), based on molecular phylogeny, states that Anagallis in its present circumscription is paraphyletic and should also include in its clade the small genera Asterolinon and Pelletiera, as well as two Lysimachia species (Lysimachia nemorum and Lysimachia serpyllifolia).


See Also: Flowers, Florist, Florists

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010


Jamesia is a genus of shrubs in the Hydrangeaceae, most commonly known as Jamesia, Cliffbush or Waxflower. It is native to interior western North America, in the U.S. states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, growing in mountains at 1600–3000 m altitude.

There is just one species, J. americana, though some botanists treat it as two separate species, the second being J. tetrapetala (Fourpetal Cliffbush; with the narrow sense J. americana then known as Fivepetal Cliffbush).

It is a shrub growing to 1–2 m tall and to 3 m or more broad, with opposite simple leaves 3–7 cm long and 2–5 cm broad, with a serrated margin and a crinkled surface. The flowers are produced in erect terminal panicles, each flower white, 15–20 mm diameter, with five (rarely four) petals. The fruit is a dry capsule with numerous small seeds.

The genus is named for Edwin James, the botanist for the Long Expedition that explored the territory between the Platte and Arkansas Rivers in 1820. James was the first to collect this genus for botanical study.


See Also: Flowers, Florist, Florists

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Waspadai Iklan dari Internet yang Menyesatkan

GAIRAH bisnis dengan memanfaatkan media online kini semakin meroket. Bisnis dari rumah! Kebanyakan para pebisnis online ini justru dari rumah tangga dan dijalankan secara perseorangan. Perusahaan besar masih berpikir panjang untuk mengubah perilaku konvensional menjadi perilaku online. Harus diakui, tren ini semakin menggembirakan karena ekonomi rumah tangga semakin mendapat banyak alternatif pemasukan.

Salah satu media online yang paling banyak digunakan untuk mengiklankan jasa-jasa lewat internet adalah iklan baris online. Kebutuhan iklan baris online di Indonesia benar-benar seperti jamur yang tumbuh pada musim hujan.

Banyak orang yang membutuhkan sarana iklan gratis dan sebaliknya pula banyak penyelenggara website iklan baris online untuk memfasilitasi iklan baris gratis itu.

Bagi pemasang iklan, iklan baris gratis adalah salah satu alat survival untuk tetap melanjutkan bisnisnya di dunia maya dengan modal minimal. Bagi penyelenggara bisnis iklan baris gratis, kesempatan itu bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan traffict alias lalu lintas pengunjung.

Makin banyak iklan gratis yang masuk, makin tinggi traffic mereka. Itu berarti, kesempatan untuk mengembangkan iklan yang tidak gratis (misal dengan memasang banner iklan) akan semakin terbuka. Jadi, hubungan antara pemasang iklan dan website penerima iklan memang saling membutuhkan.

Namun, di balik gegap gempita iklan baris itu, ada satu kekhawatiran yang pantas diungkapkan, yaitu tingginya potensi penipuan melalui media iklan. Jika tak mau disebut penipuan, setidaknya banyak fakta iklan-iklan yang ditampilkan lebih ke arah tak memiliki etika bisnis.

Tips Pengiklan

1. Jika produk Anda benar-benar ada dan tidak mengandung kebohongan, gunakan bahasa yang logis, tidak berlebihan.

2. Jika Anda punya ”website” atau ”blog” untuk jualan dan ingin mencari ”website” untuk iklan gratis, mudah saja mencarinya, manfaatkan mesin pencari, misalnya, dengan cara memasukkan kata kunci yang relevan, contohnya: ”iklan baris gratis” atau ”iklan ’website’ gratis”.

3. Makin banyak dan makin sering memasang iklan, makin tinggi posisi ”website” Anda di mata mesin pencari. Di situs tertentu Anda bisa memasang iklan tiap hari untuk menaikkan tingkat keterbacaan iklan. Memasang iklan lebih dari satu kali dalam sehari bisa berpotensi akun Anda dibekukan oleh pemilik ”website”.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan

7 Strategi Memasarkan Iklan Produk Online

Website Marketing adalah cara terbaik untuk mempromosikan iklan produk atau bisnis Anda layanan yang efisien dan dengan biaya rendah. Melalui pemasaran online, Anda dapat memberikan informasi tentang apa bisnis yang Anda tawarkan ke segmen pasar yang lebih luas tanpa harus membayar sebanyak biaya iklan dan promosi. Selain itu, juga menjadi sarana yang bagus untuk menghasilkan lead penjualan dan meningkatkan keuntungan juga.

Ada beberapa strategi pemasaran iklan dan produk di situs web yang dapat Anda terapkan untuk membantu bisnis Anda dalam meraup lebih banyak uang. Di antara yang meliputi:

1.Afilliate Marketing. Teknik ini lebih agresif untuk mempromosikan bisnis atau produk anda. Sistim Afiliasi pemasaran memmanfaatkan afiliasi atau perantara untuk mempromosikan produk atau jasa anda dengan imbalan komisi.

2.Blog Marketing. Banyak pengusaha mengambil blog marketing karena cara ini membantu menargetkan traffic atau pengunjung ke situs Web mereka. Dalam blog marketing, Anda bisa mempromosikan produk atau jasa anda melalui dunia blogging , para blogger akan menulis review produk dan memasang link situs Anda sehingga pembaca dapat memiliki akses langsung dan mudah ke situs utama Anda.

3.Display Advertising. Dalam metode ini, Anda meletakkan banner Anda ke situs-situs yang sering dikunjungi oleh target pasar Anda. Di antaranya termasuk situs sosial bookmark, situs jaringan sosial, situs penerbitan dan forum.

4.Email Marketing. Strategi pemasaran ini sangat baik bagi mereka yang ingin mendapatkan akses instan ke kotak surat pelanggan potensial '. Email pemasaran, adalah daftar email yang solid dan potensial yang bisa anda dapatkan dari pihak ketiga atau dari pengunjung yang dengan suka rela memasukan alamat email mereka ke dalam website anda melaui kotak menu yang telah anda sediakan ( pop up ) cara ini dapat menghasilkan hasil yang besar dalam penjualan bisnis Anda dan meningkatkan keuntungan.

5.Network Marketing. Metode ini juga dikenal sebagai multi-level marketing, pastikan bahwa pendapatan bisnis Anda terdiri dari sekitar 60 -70 persen penjualan produk dan tidak banyak bergantung pada biaya keanggotaan serta biaya untuk bahan promosi atau sampel. Banyak perusahaan biasanya gagal karena mereka hanya mencari anggota sebanyak banyaknya tanpa melakukan penjualan produk. Anda harus sangat teliti dalam jenis program ini.

6.Search Engine Marketing. Pengusaha online yang ingin membuat situs mereka sangat terkenal dapat menggunakan teknik pemasaran ini. Search Engine Marketing menggabungkan SEO yang dapat anda lakukan sendiri serta dengan cara berbayar seperti Google Adword. Melalui Search Engine Marketing, situs Anda akan tampil di bagian atas mesin pencari sesuai dengan keyword yang anda target.

7.Viral Marketing. Metode ini menggunakan jaringan sosial dalam mengirim pesan ke pelanggan potensial yang dapat disampaikan ke pengguna online lainnya. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menyebarkan pesan suara atau email, atau iklan-kata dari mulut ke mulut.cara ini sangat cepat menyebar bagaikan menyebarnya sebuah virus.

Selamat mencoba, semoga sukses

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan

Bisnis Webiste dan Iklan

Anda ingin membuat bisnis iklan di internet?

Pendapatan Bisnis Iklan di internet dihasilkan melalui pemasangan iklan pada website bisnis iklan. Semakin tinggi traffic suatu website bisnis iklan maka harga untuk pemasangan iklan di website bisnis iklan tersebut semakin tinggi.

Website bisnis iklan yang tinggi trafficnya biasanya berupa website berita seperti dan website komunitas seperti atau portal online

Fokus yang bisa dilakukan oleh website bisnis iklan adalah membuat content website yang menarik dan berkualitas sehingga pengunjung berulang kali kembali datang sehingga akan tercipta traffic yang stabil dan terus meningkat.

Tingginya traffic akan menentukan besarnya harga pemasangan iklan pada website tersebut.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan

Membaca Peluang Bisnis Iklan Baris Online

Dewasa ini banyak sekali situs yang menyediakan layanan jasa iklan baris gratis. Persentase jumlah web iklan baris gratis di internet diperkirakan meningkat hampir 60% dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. ada apa dengan fenomena ini??? Fungsi internet sebagai penyedia layanan informasi, menjadi salah satu alasan banyaknya orang menekuni bisnis iklan baris ini. Lihat saja salah satu web iklan baris ini Web iklan ini memberikan fasilitas gratis bagi para pemasang iklan untuk mereka mempromosikan produk dan jasa dengan mudah. Dengan adanya media iklan baris gratis ini, para pengguna internet menjadi sangat mudah untuk mendapatkan informasi dan sekaligus bertransaksi secara online. sebagai salah satu media promosi gratis, telah dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk anda yang ingin berpromosi secara efektif di Internet. sebagai media promosi online memberikan kemudahan-kemudahan bagi anda untuk beriklan. Cukup dengan sekali submit saja tanpa harus registrasi, iklan anda sudah terpasang di web kami secara permanen tanpa batas Quota, sehingga iklan anda akan terpasang selamanya di database kami. Ini merupakan strategi ampuh untuk mendatangkan backlink yang tinggi pada website/blog anda. sebagai media iklan baris Gratis juga telah dirancang secara khusus dengan pendekatan SEO Friendly, semua ini lakukan agar iklan-iklan yang terpasang pada web iklan, mudah dan cepat terdeteksi oleh mesin pencari seperti "google".

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris Indonesia

Bisnis Iklan Baris, Baguskah?

Bisnis Iklan Baris Tanpa Daftar sekarang sangat marak di Indonesia. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa iklan baris gratis adalah sarana yang paling mudah bagi setiap pebisnis online untuk mempublikasikan bisnis mereka di internet.

Apa itu Iklan Baris ?

Berikut saya kutipkan artikel yang ditulis oleh pak Lutvi dari CafeBisnis Online yang memproduksi template website iklanbaris berbasis Wordpress:

Website iklan baris adalah website yang menjadi tren saat ini. Apalagi saat ini telah ada penyedia script iklan baris yang mudah diinstall. Namun, harga script tersebut sangat mahal. Nah, saya akan berikan alternatif script iklan baris menggunakan script yang sudah diuji oleh webmaster diseluruh dunia. Yaitu WordPress.

Untuk apa punya web iklan baris?

Pernahkah anda mendapatkan email berisi iklan? Pernahkan anda melihat sebuah website yang isinya iklan? Saya yakin anda sering menemukannya. Boleh jadi, anda adalah pengirim dan pemasang iklan-iklan tersebut. Iklan adalah kue yang sangat renyah dan sangat menguntungkan. Semua pebisnis pasti memikirkan cara beriklan. Dan semua pengiklan akan melakukan apapun agar iklannya bisa terbaca. Rata-rata script web iklan biasa, hanya mampu menampilkan iklan saja. Okelah, beberapa script mampu memberikan SEO yang bagus. Tapi apalah arti SEO, jika iklan anda hanya muncul beberapa menit saja di halaman utama dan kemudian hilang begitu saja. Lenyap entah kemana karena tertindih iklan-iklan baru.

Dengan menggunakan WordPress, iklan akan tersimpan dan dengan menggunakan plugin google sitemap, iklan akan mudah dijangkau oleh Crawler Search Engine. Itu saja? Belum. Dengan menggunakan Smart Ping, setiap iklan yang terpasang, akan diping ke berbagai media ping terkenal dan ditunjukkan alamat iklannya secara langsung. Hasilnya saat crawler datang pertama kali, dia langsung menuju iklan anda sebelum ke halaman utama. Maka, menggunakan WordPress adalah pilihan terbaik bagi mesin iklan baris anda.

Sisi Lain Iklan Baris:

Dengan sangat maraknya bisnis Iklan baris tanpa daftar di Indonesia saat ini, maka persaingan menjadi sangat sengit, banyak website iklan baris yang sangat ramai, dan banyak juga yang pengunjungnya hanya pemiliknya sendiri sakin sepinya, hehe..

Mereka yang mempunyai beberapa website iklan baris dapat lebih beruntung karena dapat saling mempromsikan website-website tersebut. Bagi mereka yang baru masuk ke bisnis yang satu ini, mungkin akan terasa berat untuk segera memenangkan persaingan. Namun kerja keras, rajin dan komitment yang kuat dapat membuat siapapun menyalip pemain-pemain lama di bidang ini.

Website iklan baris tanpa moderasi ini juga menjadi ajang penyebaran informasi bombastis yang banyak menyesatkan banyak orang. Kemarin saya sempat baca di website tentang demikian gencarnya bisnis tipu-tipu di internet ini, tumbuh subur bersama perkembangan dan kemudahan penyebaran informasi via website iklanbaris tanpa daftar ini.

Selalu ada sisi yang hebat pula dari iklan baris. Ia menjadi senjata para pemain bisnis online untuk membuat bisnis mereka berjalan bagaikan autopilot.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris Indonesia